Health Care Providers

Why does My Health My Community matter to health care providers?

When it comes to chronic disease prevention the relationship between a health care provider and patient is paramount. Many of the most prevalent and costly chronic illnesses can be delayed or avoided by supporting patients in engaging in more healthful behaviours that encourage nutritional foods and deter smoking, obesity, and sedentary lifestyles.

As you know your patients and understand their life circumstances, you are uniquely placed to help them access preventive services and to engage them in a discussion on leading healthier lifestyles.

With an estimated 60% of health and well-being influenced by the social, economic and physical environment encouraging participation of your patients in the My Health My Community survey will provide a better understanding of some of the barriers to leading healthier lifestyles in the community in which you practice.

How can I help?

Here are a couple of easy ways to spread the word about My Health My Community among your patients and clients:

  • Promote the survey in your practice by speaking to colleagues, patients & clients
  • Displaying the MHMC poster and cards prominently in your waiting room
  • Share My Health My Community weblink with your contacts and encourage them to visit and explore the site.
  • Promote the survey on your social media channels
  • Follow our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
  • Share our video. It’s available in English, with subtitles in Punjabi and Chinese
  • Advertise My Health My Community on digital screens in your waiting areas

We will be uploading promotional materials on this page prior to our official survey launch.

If you have questions or comments about My Health My Community or how to become a community champion, please don’t hesitate to go to our Contact Us page and drop us a note.

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