
I’m an employer – why does the My Health My Community survey matter to my organization?

Poor health hurts your business.

Productivity lost to missed workdays, employees with chronic conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, all impact your bottom line.

Meanwhile healthcare costs for preventable diseases have become the biggest driver of your tax increases.

Healthy workers in healthy communities give you a competitive edge. They are more motivated, committed and productive.

The My Health My Community survey is a 15-20 minute survey that will help us make sure our policies and programs provide the most benefit to your business and ensure your employees are as healthy and productive as possible.

How will the survey help your business?

  • It will tell us about access to community resources such as child care that are critical for your employees
  • It will help city planners provide enough green spaces for your employees.
  • It will help us come up with better programs to reduce smoking, obesity and stress.
  • It will help us design better walking and cycling routes to increase transportation options for your employees and customers.

How can I help?

It’s easy to be a champion for My Health My Community – start by telling your family, friends and colleagues about the survey and why you’ve chosen to participate. Here are some other easy ways you can promote the My Health My Community survey:

  • Email about My Health My Community to your staff encouraging them to take the survey or share information about the My Health My Community survey through staff newsletters or intranet sites
  • Follow us on Twitter and Facebook
  • Display posters in lunch rooms and bulletin boards
  • Post a web banner, button or news story on your website
  • Create a challenge to have the highest number of staff complete the survey
  • Share our video. It’s available in English, with subtitles in Punjabi and Chinese

We will be uploading promotional materials on this page prior to our official survey launch.

If you have questions or comments about My Health My Community or how to become a community champion, please don’t hesitate to go to our Contact Us page and drop us a note.